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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Abel Vernon marriage Jun 1, 1939 6e Jefferson Democrat Bettye Harbin
Abrams John marriage Mar 9, 1939 6d Jefferson Democrat Audrey L. Gibbs
Adams Carl marriage Jul 20, 1939 1f Jefferson Democrat Cora Thompson
Ahrenheister Henry marriage May 4, 1939 1b Jefferson Democrat Norlene Musenbrock; Williams; Guenzler
Albano Mario marriage Dec 7, 1939 2b Jefferson Democrat Carmella Saranita
Alcott Joseph marriage Feb 2, 1939 1e Jefferson Democrat Dorothy Wolk
Alexander J. D. death Aug 17, 1939 2a Jefferson Democrat Moore; Lousen
Allen Clifton marriage Feb 9, 1939 6f Jefferson Democrat Fern Griffith
Allen Charles F. marriage Sep 14, 1939 2c Jefferson Democrat Lillian C. Howard
Allen Amanda & Edward divorce Sep 21, 1939 6b Jefferson Democrat
Allen Roy marriage Dec 7, 1939 2b Jefferson Democrat Alma Wooff
Allen Paul Eugene marriage Dec 7, 1939 2b Jefferson Democrat Goldie Alenia Doggett
Alvis Herman marriage Oct 5, 1939 2a Jefferson Democrat Daphne Davis
Amantea Victor marriage Aug 24, 1939 4d Jefferson Democrat Mildred Busby
Anthony Junious marriage Aug 10, 1939 3c Jefferson Democrat Catherine Newman
Arey Mr. other Jun 1, 1939 5d, e, f Jefferson Democrat Ahrens; Baker; Carrow; Evans; Hurtgen; King; Lobin; Mirgain; Pedigo; Riebold; Rousin; Ruengert; Summers; Williams; Vreeland
Arnett James Francis & John Paul birth Jun 22, 1939 5a Jefferson Democrat
Ashewell Naomi & Johnny divorce May 18, 1939 3c Jefferson Democrat
Aylsworth Martin death Dec 7, 1939 2a Jefferson Democrat Turner
Bailey Donald marriage Sep 14, 1939 2c Jefferson Democrat Nina Russel