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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Brady Charles marriage Oct 5, 1911 3a Jefferson Democrat Maude Bullis
Bramloh Fred marriage Nov 9, 1911 3a Jefferson Democrat Sarah M. Slater
Brands Alice other Oct 19, 1911 2d Jefferson Democrat
Brandt George P. marriage Apr 20, 1911 3c Jefferson Democrat Helen Attilia Franke
Brewster Arthur T. marriage Jan 5, 1911 3d Jefferson Democrat Mrs. Mattie R. S. Peterman; Sanford
Brickey Dr. F. A. death Sep 21, 1911 2d Jefferson Democrat
Bridges Ross (girl) birth May 18, 1911 2d Jefferson Democrat
Brierton John Philip marriage Aug 10, 1911 2b, 3b Jefferson Democrat Augusta Margaret Boyne
Brierton John Philip marriage Aug 17, 1911 2b, c Jefferson Democrat Augusta Boyne
Bright James marriage Mar 23, 1911 3b Jefferson Democrat Evelyn Allen
Brooks John W. marriage May 25, 1911 3b, e Jefferson Democrat Alma Nooeck; Revis
Brooks John marriage Jun 1, 1911 2c Jefferson Democrat Alma Nooeck
Broughton Hulda & Thos. divorce Sep 28, 1911 3b Jefferson Democrat
Brown Frederick H. & Mabel divorce Jan 26, 1911 2c Jefferson Democrat
Brown W. (boy) birth Feb 16, 1911 3e Jefferson Democrat
Brown Gid A. death May 18, 1911 3c Jefferson Democrat
Brummer Henry (boy) birth Apr 13, 1911 2b Jefferson Democrat
Bruns Henry H. marriage Apr 20, 1911 3c (2) Jefferson Democrat Katie C. Long; Stone
Buenninger Christian J. marriage Feb 9, 1911 3d Jefferson Democrat Mary Anne Sewald
Buineger C. J. marriage Feb 16, 1911 2e Jefferson Democrat Mary Ann Sewald; Holtschneider