Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Burgess Elijah & wife fair Oct 13, 1904 3c Jefferson Democrat
Burgess Mrs. T.L. & daughters fair Nov 10, 1904 3b Jefferson Democrat
Burns William other Sep 1, 1904 2f Jefferson Democrat
Buss Chris other Feb 18, 1904 3b Jefferson Democrat Peter Peterson
Butler Harry L. marriage Oct 27, 1904 3b Jefferson Democrat Zettie S. McGee; Ehrichs
Button Mrs. F. W. fair Dec 8, 1904 2b Jefferson Democrat
Buxton Charles S. marriage Apr 7, 1904 2a Jefferson Democrat Carrie E. Crull
Byrd Elmer L. marriage Apr 7, 1904 2a, 3c Jefferson Democrat Maymie C. Ackerson
Cadwallader Leroy C. marriage Nov 10, 1904 3c Jefferson Democrat Anna Thornburg
Callahan Mrs. Dr. & Ada fair Jun 2, 1904 3b Jefferson Democrat Dennison; Booth; Honey
Cape Ida death May 5, 1904 2b Jefferson Democrat
Cape Laura E. death May 12, 1904 3f Jefferson Democrat Breckenridge; McMullin
Cape Ida death May 12, 1904 3f Jefferson Democrat Soufolet; Tankersley
Cape Ida B. death Jul 7, 1904 3f Jefferson Democrat
Cape Laure E. death Jul 14, 1904 3f Jefferson Democrat
Carley Felix marriage Sep 15, 1904 2b Jefferson Democrat Edith Wappler
Carley Felix marriage Sep 22, 1904 2b, 3d Jefferson Democrat Edith Wappler
Carley Mrs. J. F., Jennie & Margaret fair Nov 10, 1904 2b Jefferson Democrat Mrs. W. M. Lynch
Carrow Eli T. marriage Apr 21, 1904 3c Jefferson Democrat Mattie D. Williams
Carrow Nary marriage Nov 17, 1904 3b Jefferson Democrat Annie Hutter