Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Christ William (boy) birth Jan 29, 1891 3f Jefferson Democrat
Clark Edward A. marriage Jul 30, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat Isabella Staten
Clinstoffel Jacob marriage Apr 23, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat Maggie Cain
Close John H. marriage Sep 17, 1891 3b, c Jefferson Democrat Jennie Staples; Jennings
Coffman Lee (boy) birth Sep 17, 1891 2f Jefferson Democrat
Cole William A. marriage Jan 1, 1891 3c Jefferson Democrat Josie Mathews
Cole Eddie (boy) birth Apr 23, 1891 2c Jefferson Democrat Hale
Cole Alexander marriage Jun 25, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat Emma Cole
Collard Henry marriage Dec 10, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat Anna Bowrassant
Collier Charles marriage Feb 26, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat Hanna Kaiser
Collins L.D. death Mar 12, 1891 2e Jefferson Democrat
Collins L.B. (boy) birth May 28, 1891 2e Jefferson Democrat
Collins L.D. death Jul 23, 1891 3e Jefferson Democrat
Colman J. death Feb 12, 1891 3c Jefferson Democrat
Combs James (boy) birth Aug 13, 1891 3e Jefferson Democrat
Coningham Charles B. other Jul 23, 1891 3d Jefferson Democrat Clara Codding; Nellie Eastman
Conner girl birth Jun 11, 1891 2d Jefferson Democrat
Conrads Theodore marriage Jan 1, 1891 3c Jefferson Democrat Emma Kreluheter
Cook Mrs. Charles death Jan 29, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat
Cook Charles (boy) birth Feb 12, 1891 2c Jefferson Democrat