Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Campbell Christopher (girl) birth Jan 8, 1891 2d Jefferson Democrat
Can B.M. (baby) birth Sep 17, 1891 2f Jefferson Democrat
Canfield Edward B. marriage Nov 19, 1891 3c Jefferson Democrat Ellen Butler
Canfield Edward B. marriage Nov 26, 1891 2c Jefferson Democrat Ellen Butler; Grundy
Cantrell W.R. (girl) birth Sep 17, 1891 2f Jefferson Democrat
Cape Henry marriage Jun 25, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat Katie A. Pyle
Carley Charley death Apr 23, 1891 2c Jefferson Democrat
Carver Quintilla E. death Feb 5, 1891 2e Jefferson Democrat
Carver Laura Ann death Feb 5, 1891 2e Jefferson Democrat
Carver George marriage Feb 26, 1891 3b (2) Jefferson Democrat Mrs. Almira E. Huskey
Carver T.C. death Jul 23, 1891 3e Jefferson Democrat
Cary James (girl) birth Mar 12, 1891 3e Jefferson Democrat
Casey Henry marriage Dec 10, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat Birdie Fulton
Castile James O. marriage Apr 9, 1891 3b Jefferson Democrat Annie J. Graham
Celia Louis D. marriage Feb 5, 1891 3c Jefferson Democrat Rosa M. Curotto
Cerbelik Johanna death Feb 26, 1891 3d Jefferson Democrat
Champney M. death Apr 23, 1891 2c Jefferson Democrat
Cheatham Calvin (girl) birth Jan 8, 1891 2d Jefferson Democrat
Check Alfonso marriage Jan 1, 1891 3c Jefferson Democrat Elsinor C. Vaughn
Christ William (boy) birth Jan 8, 1891 3c Jefferson Democrat