Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Calloway Alfred death Dec 30, 1885 3c Jefferson Democrat Brown
Campbell Mary death Jan 28, 1885 2c Jefferson Democrat
Campbell Thos. death Sep 30, 1885 3f Jefferson Democrat
Candle John (girl) birth Feb 18, 1885 3d Jefferson Democrat
Cannon Anthony (girl) birth Aug 5, 1885 3c Jefferson Democrat
Cantwell W.R. (infant) death Sep 30, 1885 3f Jefferson Democrat
Cantwell W.R. (boy) birth Sep 30, 1885 3f Jefferson Democrat
Cape Emma death Mar 18, 1885 3d Jefferson Democrat
Cape Elizabeth death Aug 5, 1885 3b Jefferson Democrat
Cappage Areline death Sep 23, 1885 3e Jefferson Democrat
Carrow Giles L. marriage Dec 30, 1885 3c Jefferson Democrat Effie Wade
Carter Philip death Feb 11, 1885 2a Jefferson Democrat
Chapman Simeon probate Aug 19, 1885 2d Jefferson Democrat
Charlesville Frederick death May 13, 1885 3d Jefferson Democrat
Chartrand Theophile marriage Feb 25, 1885 3b Jefferson Democrat Laura Wease
Chott John (boy) birth Apr 29, 1885 2a Jefferson Democrat
Chott Joseph marriage Sep 16, 1885 3b Jefferson Democrat Anna Kreasel
Christopher Thomas (girl) birth Apr 8, 1885 3e Jefferson Democrat
Clark Fred (boy) birth Feb 11, 1885 2a Jefferson Democrat
Clark death Nov 11, 1885 3e Jefferson Democrat