Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Anderson Mrs. P. other Aug 23, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader Stegman
Armstrong James death Apr 26, 1867 2e Jefferson County Leader
Barrows S.M. marriage Sep 13, 1867 3a Jefferson County Leader Ella P. Morse; Jenkins
Beard John probate Oct 18, 1867 4f Jefferson County Leader
Beeler Joseph probate Apr 26, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader
Behrens Henry probate Oct 11, 1867 2f Jefferson County Leader
Behrens Henry other Nov 1, 1867 2a Jefferson County Leader J.W. Buxton; Noah Wise
Benton Elizabeth Ann other Feb 22, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader Smith; Varnum
Bisch Albert B. marriage Jun 14, 1867 2c Jefferson County Leader Jerusha Lamaster; Walker
Boyne Mary Jane other May 31, 1867 2g Jefferson County Leader
Brennan William probate Jan 11, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader
Burge Henry Zum probate Feb 22, 1867 4c Jefferson County Leader
Burgess Jackson probate Mar 29, 1867 4d Jefferson County Leader
Burgess Jas. Simeon A. probate May 24, 1867 2f Jefferson County Leader Herrington
Butler Washington marriage Jul 26, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader Emma C. Reppy
Byrnes Pat other May 3, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader Wilson; Byrnes; Weber
Charles E.W. marriage Mar 29, 1867 3f Jefferson County Leader A.S. Mansfield; Watts; Rankin
Clark C.A. other Dec 20, 1867 2a Jefferson County Leader
Cook Aaron probate Mar 8, 1867 2f Jefferson County Leader
Corley Warren probate May 31, 1867 4b Jefferson County Leader Smith