Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Jenni Peter probate Aug 9, 1867 2g Jefferson County Leader
Jones John probate May 31, 1867 2g Jefferson County Leader England
Kennett Ferdinand probate May 24, 1867 2f Jefferson County Leader
Keune August death Mar 29, 1867 2b Jefferson County Leader
Kinney August death Mar 29, 1867 2b Jefferson County Leader
Kleinschmidt Charles probate Feb 8, 1867 3g Jefferson County Leader
Kloepper William death Nov 1, 1867 3a, b Jefferson County Leader
Kloepper other Dec 6, 1867 3a Jefferson County Leader Green; Power
Knorpp Wm other Jan 4, 1867 2b Jefferson County Leader
Leissner Frederd K Julius marriage Feb 1, 1867 4b Jefferson County Leader Mrs. Barbara Smith; Parker
Lubka John C. probate Aug 16, 1867 3a Jefferson County Leader
Maness Elijah other May 24, 1867 4g Jefferson County Leader
Mason other Oct 25, 1867 2a Jefferson County Leader Yelder; Rankin
Mathouseck John probate Oct 18, 1867 2f Jefferson County Leader
Maupin John probate Feb 1, 1867 3f Jefferson County Leader Frost
McMullin Thos. J. marriage Jul 26, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader Eliza E. Haverstick
McNamee George other Sep 20, 1867 3a Jefferson County Leader
McNulty Edward C. probate Apr 26, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader Frazier
Medley Joseph probate Mar 15, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader
Meyer Henry marriage Mar 8, 1867 3b Jefferson County Leader Catharine Stugard