Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Abeken R. H. marriage May 3, 1934 1f Jefferson Democrat Florence L. Runge
Adams Burnice May death Jul 12, 1934 1e Jefferson Democrat
Ahlers Anton (girl) birth Jul 12, 1934 1e Jefferson Democrat
Akers George W. & Jessie divorce Sep 20, 1934 4g Jefferson Democrat
Albano Frank (boy) birth Aug 9, 1934 2b Jefferson Democrat
Albano Sam marriage Dec 13, 1934 2d Jefferson Democrat Mary Sima
Allen James W. marriage Feb 15, 1934 1g, 3b Jefferson Democrat Myrtle M. Bach; McMullin
Allen Mrs. Edward death May 3, 1934 3c Jefferson Democrat
Allen Hattie death Jul 5, 1934 3f Jefferson Democrat Fromhold
Allen Marvin M. marriage Jul 19, 1934 4g Jefferson Democrat Barbara A. Grenninger
Anderson Roy marriage Mar 1, 1934 1d, 3b Jefferson Democrat Marie E. Gravey; McMullin; O'Neil
Armbruster daughter death Feb 8, 1934 3c Jefferson Democrat
Armbruster Mrs. Henry death Jul 19, 1934 3d Jefferson Democrat
Aston Harry marriage Aug 30, 1934 3c Jefferson Democrat Mary Kuntz
Aubuchon Claude (boy) birth Mar 8, 1934 3e Jefferson Democrat
Aubuchon Marie death Apr 19, 1934 1f, 3b Jefferson Democrat McAllister; Halberstadt
Bach Leonard marriage Jan 18, 1934 2d, 3a Jefferson Democrat Della McGuire; Bisch; McMullin
Bachmann Julius J. marriage Apr 5, 1934 1g Jefferson Democrat Gertrude V. Koci
Baethke Elizabeth death Feb 8, 1934 1b Jefferson Democrat
Bahr Welton other Feb 22, 1934 2b Jefferson Democrat