Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Adams F. R. marriage Jan 17, 1924 2b Jefferson Democrat Luella Walther; Murdoch
Agnew Lester other Oct 2, 1924 2c Jefferson Democrat
Akin Joel Hensley marriage May 29, 1924 3b Jefferson Democrat Mrs. Ina P. Chapman
Allen Andrew marriage Sep 25, 1924 3e Jefferson Democrat Rosie Lee Cooks
Anderson Joe other Sep 25, 1924 3c Jefferson Democrat
Ashby Ruth death Nov 20, 1924 3c Jefferson Democrat Williams
Ashby Ruth H. death Nov 27, 1924 3d, 4b Jefferson Democrat Williams
Atkins Andrew death Dec 11, 1924 3c Jefferson Democrat Chapman
Atwood Mallison F. & Ethel Louise divorce Jan 31, 1924 2c Jefferson Democrat
Aubuchon Alvira death Feb 28, 1924 2d Jefferson Democrat
Auerswald George C. marriage Oct 9, 1924 3b Jefferson Democrat Pillen
Auerswald George C. marriage Oct 16, 1924 3f Jefferson Democrat Violet Pillen
Baer Clemens marriage Sep 4, 1924 3d, e Jefferson Democrat Mrs. Lillian Mallette; McCormack
Baeumner Jacob, Sr. death May 1, 1924 2d Jefferson Democrat Mueller; Mary Krick; Dornseif; Flamm
Baker Lewis W. marriage Feb 28, 1924 2e Jefferson Democrat Gertrude Clemens
Baker Charles, Jr. birth Mar 27, 1924 3d Jefferson Democrat
Baker Burnell J. marriage Jun 26, 1924 3b Jefferson Democrat Emma C. Fuchs
Baker Stella & Clarence divorce Jul 17, 1924 2f Jefferson Democrat
Baker James F. marriage Jul 17, 1924 3b Jefferson Democrat Mrs. Josephine Robberson
Baker Henry marriage Aug 21, 1924 3d Jefferson Democrat Beulah Smith