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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Adams Hazel death Apr 17, 1902 3c Jefferson Democrat
Adams Annie Hazel death Apr 24, 1902 3d Jefferson Democrat
Addis Belle death Sep 4, 1902 3b Jefferson Democrat
Addis Susan Belle death Sep 11, 1902 3e Jefferson Democrat
Adkins Maggie & lee divorce Sep 18, 1902 2c Jefferson Democrat
Aiken Will marriage May 15, 1902 2b, c Jefferson Democrat Dora Heitzman
Albenesins Edward marriage Sep 18, 1902 3e Jefferson Democrat Mamie Firmbach
Allen Joseph R. marriage Jun 12, 1902 3d Jefferson Democrat Jennie P. Fisher
Amos James H. marriage Jul 24, 1902 3d Jefferson Democrat Hattie Kuehne
Andrews Caleb marriage Jul 17, 1902 2d Jefferson Democrat Tillie Kernell; Greenhill; Meloy
Andrews Cale marriage Jul 17, 1902 3e Jefferson Democrat Tillie Kernell
Andrus Cole other May 15, 1902 3c Jefferson Democrat Leonard E. & Katie S. Durocher
Armstrong Gertie other Oct 16, 1902 2c Jefferson Democrat Lloyd
Arnold Hattie M. death Apr 24, 1902 2b Jefferson Democrat
Atkinson William Burgess marriage May 15, 1902 3e Jefferson Democrat Dora M. Hietzman
Atwood Mr. death Apr 17, 1902 2b Jefferson Democrat
Atwood William H. death Apr 24, 1902 3d Jefferson Democrat
Backer Lena other Jan 30, 1902 2d Jefferson Democrat
Bailey Libbie E. death Feb 20, 1902 2d Jefferson Democrat
Bailey Joseph other May 15, 1902 3d Jefferson Democrat Birdie; Gertrude; James; Charles