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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Addis Alfred W. marriage Oct 11, 1897 3c Jefferson Democrat Cynthia M. Thomas
Addis Alfred W. marriage Oct 18, 1897 3b Jefferson Democrat Cynthia Thomas; Clayton
Akins Robert B. death Dec 2, 1897 3d Jefferson Democrat Mary L. Dutton
Albritton Z.M. & Jesse B. divorce May 27, 1897 3e Jefferson Democrat
Aldrich Allanson D. marriage Sep 16, 1897 2a Jefferson Democrat May Burbach
Aldrich Alanson D. marriage Sep 23, 1897 2b Jefferson Democrat Lily May Burbach; Woods; Grainger; Klenn
Alt Andrew marriage Oct 11, 1897 3c Jefferson Democrat Katy Vornberg
Andrus Cole W. marriage May 20, 1897 2b Jefferson Democrat Gertrude Spence
Anthony Mr. death Oct 14, 1897 3b Jefferson Democrat Camp
Armstrong Amanda other Jan 21, 1897 3e Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong Amanda other May 13, 1897 3e Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong John W. marriage Jun 3, 1897 3e Jefferson Democrat Lizie Blumenberg
Armstrong Dennis marriage Oct 14, 1897 2b Jefferson Democrat Lucy Mason
Arnold John M. & Ella divorce May 20, 1897 2b Jefferson Democrat
Ashe Henry B. marriage Sep 23, 1897 3c Jefferson Democrat Martha Hunt
Ashe Harry B. marriage Sep 30, 1897 3f Jefferson Democrat Martha Hunt; Wells; Jackson
Aubuchon C.T. death Apr 22, 1897 3e Jefferson Democrat
Aubuchon John Peter marriage Sep 23, 1897 3c Jefferson Democrat Mary Krusik
Aubuchon Peter marriage Oct 14, 1897 3e Jefferson Democrat Mary Drusick; Hood
Bailey boy birth Oct 7, 1897 2b Jefferson Democrat