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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Abernathy Harriet C. probate Jan 12, 1893 2e Jefferson Democrat Thomas
Ackerson John O. (boy) death Jun 15, 1893 3d Jefferson Democrat
Ackley Jas. A. (boy) birth Mar 30, 1893 3c Jefferson Democrat
Adams George marriage Nov 2, 1893 3e Jefferson Democrat Rosa Stewart
Adams boy birth Dec 21, 1893 2c Jefferson Democrat
Adkins Andrew (boy) birth Jul 13, 1893 3c Jefferson Democrat
Agnew Samuel marriage Sep 21, 1893 2c Jefferson Democrat Gilead A. Axley
Akins T.S. & Lucy A. divorce Jan 5, 1893 2c Jefferson Democrat
Akins F.D. & Lucy divorce Jan 19, 1893 3e Jefferson Democrat
Anderson John other Jan 12, 1893 2b Jefferson Democrat
Applegett F.R. (girl) birth May 25, 1893 2b Jefferson Democrat
Apsley Rev. L.F. other Jun 22, 1893 3b Jefferson Democrat Clara Butler
Archambault Ferdinand marriage Feb 16, 1893 3e Jefferson Democrat Martha Thibunt
Armbuster Lanton marriage Apr 20, 1893 3f Jefferson Democrat Mary Hogan
Armstrong Wm. (boy) death Jul 6, 1893 3d Jefferson Democrat
Aubuchon S. (child) death Mar 23, 1893 3e Jefferson Democrat Knorpp; Walter
Aubuchon Mrs. C. T. other Dec 21, 1893 2a Jefferson Democrat
Axley Gileal marriage Sep 28, 1893 2c Jefferson Democrat
Baer Charles death Feb 16, 1893 3d Jefferson Democrat Manheimer
Bailey Oliver marriage Jan 19, 1893 2d Jefferson Democrat Phoebe Ann Cook