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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Adams Joseph S. (boy) birth Jun 2, 1892 3c Jefferson Democrat
Adams James (boy) birth Jun 30, 1892 3c Jefferson Democrat
Akins F.D. marriage Dec 8, 1892 3e Jefferson Democrat Ida Travis
Alexander F.Z. (boy) birth Feb 18, 1892 3e Jefferson Democrat
Aley Paul (boy) birth Aug 11, 1892 3d Jefferson Democrat
Allen D.J. death Dec 15, 1892 3c Jefferson Democrat Burgess
Anderson Alorel death Feb 25, 1892 2d Jefferson Democrat
Armbruster George marriage Sep 15, 1892 2b Jefferson Democrat Lizzie Murray
Arnold John (girl) birth Mar 3, 1892 3c Jefferson Democrat
Arnold Ethel other Mar 17, 1892 3d Jefferson Democrat
Atkins Andrew (girl) birth Mar 10, 1892 2d Jefferson Democrat
Atkins death Jun 23, 1892 3c Jefferson Democrat
Bach Henry (boy) birth Jan 21, 1892 3d Jefferson Democrat
Baker John (boy) birth Sep 15, 1892 2b Jefferson Democrat
Baker James (boy) birth Dec 8, 1892 2c Jefferson Democrat
Bangert Louis marriage Mar 3, 1892 3c Jefferson Democrat Caroline Stecker
Bankaser Gottleib C. other Sep 29, 1892 2d Jefferson Democrat
Banks Orlando marriage Jan 21, 1892 3c Jefferson Democrat Sarah Ogden
Barth J.D. (girl) birth Sep 8, 1892 3c Jefferson Democrat
Beard P.J. marriage Feb 18, 1892 3b Jefferson Democrat Lydia Morris