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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Ackley James A. (boy) birth Nov 7, 1889 3d Jefferson Democrat
Adams Joseph (girl) birth Jan 23, 1889 3e Jefferson Democrat
Adams James F. (girl) birth May 8, 1889 3d Jefferson Democrat
Agnew John (twin boys) birth & death Jan 2, 1889 2b Jefferson Democrat
Aken Thomas D. & Isabelle A. divorce Jan 23, 1889 3c Jefferson Democrat
Akins Thomas D. marriage Apr 3, 1889 3b Jefferson Democrat Lucy J. Alderson
Alexander Mrs. death Dec 5, 1889 2b Jefferson Democrat
Aley Paul (girl) birth Sep 12, 1889 2d Jefferson Democrat
Alford Louis H. other Nov 21, 1889 3b Jefferson Democrat Delilah
Allen W.W. marriage Apr 24, 1889 3c Jefferson Democrat Hattie Fromhold
Allen Walter M. marriage May 1, 1889 3b Jefferson Democrat Hattie A. Fromhold
Almert J.T. marriage Sep 19, 1889 3b Jefferson Democrat Cora Hurley
Amor Eugene other Aug 8, 1889 3b Jefferson Democrat
Amsden Jessie & Louis A. divorce Nov 28, 1889 3e Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong Thomas (twins) birth Jun 13, 1889 2b Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong Thoms (child) death Jul 25, 1889 3b Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong W. (boy) birth Sep 19, 1889 3f Jefferson Democrat
Ashbey George K. (boy) birth Aug 15, 1889 1d Jefferson Democrat
Atkins Andreas (girl) birth & death Jan 9, 1889 3e Jefferson Democrat
Atkins Lemuel L. marriage Sep 19, 1889 3b Jefferson Democrat Mary Hardin