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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Ackermann Nicholas other May 16, 1888 3c Jefferson Democrat
Adair Mrs. E.W. death Feb 8, 1888 3c Jefferson Democrat Poston; Bosworth; Miller
Adams Louis (girl) birth Nov 7, 1888 3d Jefferson Democrat
Aikins James H. (twin girls) birth Nov 14, 1888 3d Jefferson Democrat
Alvers Catharina death Apr 18, 1888 3c Jefferson Democrat
Aly Paul C. other Sep 19, 1888 3d Jefferson Democrat
Armbruster William (boy) birth Dec 5, 1888 3c Jefferson Democrat
Armstron Thos. (twin girls) birth Mar 28, 1888 3d Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong Thos. (twin girls) birth Mar 7, 1888 3b Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong William marriage Mar 7, 1888 3b Jefferson Democrat Phoebe Graham
Armstrong Lizzie death Apr 25, 1888 3b Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong Elizabeth M. death May 2, 1888 3d Jefferson Democrat
Arnold Xaver marriage Apr 11, 1888 3b Jefferson Democrat Magdalena Rash
Arnold Xaver marriage Apr 18, 1888 3d Jefferson Democrat Mrs. Magdelena Roesch; Augenendt
Arnold X. other Apr 25, 1888 2b Jefferson Democrat
Arnold John marriage May 2, 1888 3b Jefferson Democrat Paulina Arnold
Arnold John marriage May 9, 1888 3b Jefferson Democrat Paulina Schaefer
Arnold George marriage Nov 21, 1888 3c Jefferson Democrat Mary Becker
Ashby George K. (girl) birth Mar 7, 1888 3f Jefferson Democrat
Atwood Samuel death Jul 18, 1888 3d Jefferson Democrat