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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Ackerson Garret G. death Mar 24, 1882 3b Jefferson Democrat
Ackerson G. death Apr 21, 1882 3d Jefferson Democrat
Addison Rev. J. marriage Aug 25, 1882 3a Jefferson Democrat
Alderson Lucy Jane & John F. divorce May 19, 1882 3e Jefferson Democrat
Alderson Lucy Jane other Jun 30, 1882 3e Jefferson Democrat
Alderson F.E. death Jul 21, 1882 3b Jefferson Democrat Frazier
Alderson John F. divorce Sep 22, 1882 3c Jefferson Democrat
Allen Rev. (girl) birth Mar 17, 1882 3c Jefferson Democrat
Armbuster Wm. other Jan 27, 1882 3d Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong Dennis (child) death Mar 3, 1882 3a Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong H.B. (baby) death Jun 30, 1882 3c Jefferson Democrat
Ashe Ada death Dec 22, 1882 3c Jefferson Democrat Allen
Bader Mrs. other Dec 8, 1882 2a Jefferson Democrat Knapp
Bailey Ephraim M. marriage Apr 14, 1882 3b Jefferson Democrat Nancy Tyre
Baker Mrs. John W. other Jul 28, 1882 3b Jefferson Democrat
Baker Mrs. John W. death Aug 4, 1882 3b Jefferson Democrat
Baker Mrs. John death Aug 4, 1882 3d Jefferson Democrat
Baldwin S.C. & J.H. other Sep 29, 1882 3c Jefferson Democrat Freeman
Balling D. other Oct 27, 1882 3b Jefferson Democrat Meyer
Barthalomew Felix & Maria divorce Sep 22, 1882 3c Jefferson Democrat