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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Allen Thomas R. death Feb 15, 1878 3a Jefferson Democrat
Allen Benjamin F. marriage Apr 26, 1878 3b Jefferson Democrat Anna Morse; Barrows; Downer
Arbuckle Jasper Newton other Oct 18, 1878 3c Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong John probate Feb 15, 1878 3e Jefferson Democrat Irwin
Armstrong Dennis death Jul 26, 1878 3d Jefferson Democrat Mahala Shelton; Morse
Asbury Mrs. other Jan 25, 1878 3b Jefferson Democrat Pipkin
Asbury Julia M. death Feb 1, 1878 3d Jefferson Democrat
Atwood Mary & Augustus divorce Mar 8, 1878 2e Jefferson Democrat supplement
Atwood Mary E. & Augustus divorce Sep 20, 1878 3c Jefferson Democrat
Baily Joseph (children) death Jan 25, 1878 3b Jefferson Democrat
Bainbridge Maley other Mar 1, 1878 3c Jefferson Democrat
Bainbridge C.H. (boy) death Apr 19, 1878 2e Jefferson Democrat
Bainbridge Horace death Apr 26, 1878 3d Jefferson Democrat
Bainbridge Charles H. death Nov 15, 1878 3c Jefferson Democrat Jessie Bissell; Armstrong
Bainbridge Chas. H. death Nov 22, 1878 3b Jefferson Democrat
Baker W. Melton marriage Apr 26, 1878 3b Jefferson Democrat Ella Dahl; Eaves
Barnes Alexander death Nov 29, 1878 3a Jefferson Democrat
Bartholow Perry marriage Nov 15, 1878 3b Jefferson Democrat Ella Fletcher
Bates Henry P. death Nov 22, 1878 3d, e Jefferson Democrat Mary R. Martin; Alford;Shelton
Bauer Mr. marriage Jul 19, 1878 2d Jefferson Democrat Ariminta Jane Fischer