Newspaper Index Database

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Last Name First Name Subject Paper Date Page Column Paper Name Keywords
Akrall Joseph other Apr 14, 1876 2e Jefferson Democrat Breckenridge
Alderson John F. other Jan 14, 1876 3a Jefferson Democrat
Amor Eugene (son) death Mar 10, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat
Anderson family other Jan 14, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat
Armstrong J.L. other May 12, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat Hanson
Armstrong Gus other Nov 17, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat
Atwood Conductor (girl) birth Apr 7, 1876 3c Jefferson Democrat
Bailey Henry probate Jan 21, 1876 2f Jefferson Democrat
Bainbridge C.H. other Jul 28, 1876 2c Jefferson Democrat
Bainbridge Dr. P.A. other Jul 28, 1876 2c Jefferson Democrat
Ballaine Rev. F. other Apr 7, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat
Barkus Tommy other May 19, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat
Becker Jacob other Jan 21, 1876 3b, c Jefferson Democrat Arnold; Hook; Moss; Hull
Bentley Joseph probate Jun 9, 1876 3d Jefferson Democrat Eautongh
Bequette Mr. death Jan 28, 1876 3a Jefferson Democrat Dearing
Besster Henry marriage May 19, 1876 3a Jefferson Democrat Mrs. Steinmeyer
Bland K.P. other Mar 31, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat Thomas
Bland Virgie death Apr 7, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat Downer
Boltinghouse Mrs. other Jan 14, 1876 3c Jefferson Democrat Eads
Boltinghouse Mrs. other Dec 1, 1876 3b Jefferson Democrat Eads